In The Queen of Grants: From Teacher to Grant Writer to CEO, Libby Hikind details her journey from a teacher to a grant writer to the CEO of GrantWatch. As you trace her journey to becoming both CEO and a media personality, you'll observe her courage and the unforeseen twists and turns that led her to the present day. This narrative will inspire confidence in your ability to navigate the grant-seeking and grant-writing process.
This book is structured into five sections and goes beyond mere theory by providing practical insights into crafting each part of a grant application. Each segment is enriched with anecdotes, lessons learned, and valuable advice. Furthermore, a dedicated section features model responses for various components commonly found in grant applications.
- How It All Began for MeYour Questions AnsweredHow To Write a Grant?Modeling Successful GrantsThe Future of AI and Grant Writing
Let Libby Hikind be your guide as she answers your questions and delves into the details of her mnemonic, PMF passion, maps, and folders to get you grant-ready. She takes you from grant eligibility through each section of the grant application to handling the celebration of funding and beyond. The book explains the importance of incorporating sustainability, dissemination, and replicability into grant applications. In the last chapter, Libby introduces you to AI. Stay tuned because that will probably be her next journey to help the grant-seeking and grant-writing community.
Start a career in grant writing and learn invaluable mapping techniques to craft compelling grant proposals.