Python: Data Science

Python: Data Science

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When you get up, what you cook, eat, where you go, what you buy, how will be your health all depend on the data!

Data Science with Python is a book created to hold the hands of beginners and help them stand in the field of data science! It will start with complete basics like

  • why learn data science?
  • And what are its uses?

Also, you should prefer reading it now because:

  • Easy to understand and help beginners to play with data instead of dealing with it
  • Use of infographics and illustrations to relieve the boredom of lengthy texts
  • Covering all the essential libraries and packages like Pandas, NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib
  • Exercise & questions to practice your skills
  • Learn how to read data in HTML, CSV, JSON, and excel files
  • Learn how to process data using the NumPy and SciPy package
  • Learn how to analyze data using the Pandas library
  • Learn how to plot graphs, charts, 3D graphs, etc using the Matplotlib library
  • Test your knowledge with a PROJECT at the end

Data Science with Python is a complete guidebook for anyone who wants to become an ace data scientist using Python. This book will not start with Python basics but data science basics!

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