The perfect society and its price...the manga prequel to the acclaimed anime series! In the 22nd century, the Psycho-Pass measures emotional health, making crime not only rare, but strange and dangerous--and the only "safe" job for a person on the borderline is as a cop...kept on a virtual leash as they hunt down the criminals they may soon become themselves! Finally given permission to search and question at will in the Special Sector, Division 3 discovers the underground farm that developed the miracle food that saved Japan from starvation...and the fate of the original patients it was tested upon!
The perfect society and its price...the manga prequel to the acclaimed anime series! In the 22nd century, the Psycho-Pass measures emotional health, making crime not only rare, but strange and dangerous--and the only "safe" job for a person on the borderline is as a cop...kept on a virtual leash as they hunt down the criminals they may soon become themselves! Finally given permission to search and question at will in the Special Sector, Division 3 discovers the underground farm that developed the miracle food that saved Japan from starvation...and the fate of the original patients it was tested upon!