100,000 words After issuing orders to have low-yield nuclear weapons deployed against the rapidly merging zombie mega-herds, the President of the United States, holed up in Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania with the remnants of his cabinet, inexplicably goes dark. With the Pentagon abandoned weeks prior and no Joint Chiefs of Staff left alive to guide the fractured military, the Ronin Protocol, a component of the government's end-of-the-world Continuity of Operations Plan, is automatically enacted. Following a harrowing journey from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Las Vegas, Nevada to answer a long-distance plea for help, Army veteran Lee Riker, his younger sister Tara, Steven "Steve-O" Piontek, and their Trinity House companions are offered sanctuary from the undead hordes inside Frenchman Mountain Complex-a relic of the Cold War. When the commander of Frenchman Mountain Complex informs Riker of his intention to move the entire operation to a top-secret military base whose location he won't divulge, and conscripts Riker to be his personal driver, Riker gathers the others and they immediately begin planning their escape. With tons of rock over their heads and steel blast doors standing between them and freedom, will our group ever again see the light of day? If they somehow manage to escape the secure bunker, standing between them and the safety of Trinity House are hundreds of miles of zombie-infested southwest desert, factions of splintered military reported to be fighting each other over territory, and scattered pockets of humanity trying to protect their own turf. With the odds of survival stacked against them, will the group survive one more day in the zombie apocalypse? Come along and find out!
100,000 words After issuing orders to have low-yield nuclear weapons deployed against the rapidly merging zombie mega-herds, the President of the United States, holed up in Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania with the remnants of his cabinet, inexplicably goes dark. With the Pentagon abandoned weeks prior and no Joint Chiefs of Staff left alive to guide the fractured military, the Ronin Protocol, a component of the government's end-of-the-world Continuity of Operations Plan, is automatically enacted. Following a harrowing journey from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Las Vegas, Nevada to answer a long-distance plea for help, Army veteran Lee Riker, his younger sister Tara, Steven "Steve-O" Piontek, and their Trinity House companions are offered sanctuary from the undead hordes inside Frenchman Mountain Complex-a relic of the Cold War. When the commander of Frenchman Mountain Complex informs Riker of his intention to move the entire operation to a top-secret military base whose location he won't divulge, and conscripts Riker to be his personal driver, Riker gathers the others and they immediately begin planning their escape. With tons of rock over their heads and steel blast doors standing between them and freedom, will our group ever again see the light of day? If they somehow manage to escape the secure bunker, standing between them and the safety of Trinity House are hundreds of miles of zombie-infested southwest desert, factions of splintered military reported to be fighting each other over territory, and scattered pockets of humanity trying to protect their own turf. With the odds of survival stacked against them, will the group survive one more day in the zombie apocalypse? Come along and find out!