Ready to teach chemistry? Aligned specifically to current state standards, this study covers the subareas of Matter and Energy; Heat, Thermodynamics, and Thermochemistry; Atomic and Nuclear Structure; Nomenclature; The Mole, Chemical Bonding and Geometry; Periodicity and Reactivity; Chemical Reactions; Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry; Solutions and Solubility; Acid/Base Chemistry; and History and Nature of Science; Science; Technology, and Social Perspectives.
Study and master the 15 competencies and 59 skills found on the PRAXIS Chemistry Content Knowledge and Content Essay tests. Practice with 125 sample-test questions and three essays, including full answer rationale.
Praxis Chemistry 20241, 20242, 20245 Teacher Certification Test Prep Study Guide
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Ready to teach chemistry? Aligned specifically to current state standards, this study covers the subareas of Matter and Energy; Heat, Thermodynamics, and Thermochemistry; Atomic and Nuclear Structure; Nomenclature; The Mole, Chemical Bonding and Geometry; Periodicity and Reactivity; Chemical Reactions; Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry; Solutions and Solubility; Acid/Base Chemistry; and History and Nature of Science; Science; Technology, and Social Perspectives.
Study and master the 15 competencies and 59 skills found on the PRAXIS Chemistry Content Knowledge and Content Essay tests. Practice with 125 sample-test questions and three essays, including full answer rationale.Paperback