The Power of God...Today is the inspiring story of how God stepped into the lives of a mother and daughter through Dr. Issam & Kathy Nemeh. Christine and her daughter Emily had sought out Dr. Nemeh for medical reasons.
God used their willingness to surrender and believe that a miracle was possible for them by not only delivering the healing they sought but also delivered with it a more meaningful gift - the gift of a deeper faith.
Since their miraculous healings in January 2019 they have made in their new life's mission to help others learn about Dr. Nemeh and how God is right here with us, desiring to heal, if we only dare ask and are willing to surrender.
Through this newfound love for God and others they have seen many physical ailments leave in both friends and strangers alike - from stage IV cancers, disabling physical and painful conditions, emotional pain and trauma, etc. The most uplifting stories are when they see someone healed turn and live their life for God in their own way.