1. Cutting to Existence 2. Fearful Love 3. In the Concentration Camp Called Home 4. Prague at Dusk 5. The Old Gods Wander 6. Moi Aussi 7. When You Wake the Morning 8. Tableaux (on van Gogh) 9. Sally Ann 10. Prowling 11. Switching 12. Getting Old 13. Narcissism 14. Snowflake Haiku 15. A Hundred Children 16. In Moist Propinquity 17. Selfdream 18. The Miracle of the Kisses 19. Our Love Alivid 20. Synthetic Joy 21. Twinkle Star 22. My Putrid Lover 23. Hebrew Love 24. Her Birthday 25. To an Absent Wife 26. Love, Face, Skin 27. Bladed Stalactite 28. A Memory of Salt 29. Traces of a Haunted Woman
1. Cutting to Existence 2. Fearful Love 3. In the Concentration Camp Called Home 4. Prague at Dusk 5. The Old Gods Wander 6. Moi Aussi 7. When You Wake the Morning 8. Tableaux (on van Gogh) 9. Sally Ann 10. Prowling 11. Switching 12. Getting Old 13. Narcissism 14. Snowflake Haiku 15. A Hundred Children 16. In Moist Propinquity 17. Selfdream 18. The Miracle of the Kisses 19. Our Love Alivid 20. Synthetic Joy 21. Twinkle Star 22. My Putrid Lover 23. Hebrew Love 24. Her Birthday 25. To an Absent Wife 26. Love, Face, Skin 27. Bladed Stalactite 28. A Memory of Salt 29. Traces of a Haunted Woman