Becoming a psychic and have intuitive awareness, opening your third eye is all possible now with this simple but powerful book. In it you will be taught how to achieve an incredible third eye activation experience. No need to look any further! This book will teach you just two powerful and proven techniques to increase you awareness and consciousness that will send your imagination wild!
Here is a preview of what third eye activation for beginners contains...
- An introduction to the power of your third eye
- Opening your third eye - the truth you need to know
- The pineal gland explained
- The benefits you'll receive from activating your third eye
- Opening your indigo chakra
- Awakening the third eye once and for all
- How to decalcify your pineal gland for clarity
- And much, much more!
Awakening the third eye is a method that has been practiced by ancient monks for thousands of years and is yet to be fully understood. But certain techniques have been proven to be the most successful over the last centuries and have helped many people opening their third eye. These techniques will be explained in detail through out the book for you to experience the same amazing mind power people have described before!