AAF manual 51-127-4. Contents The P47N, 5 Description, 6-7 Canopy, 8 Cockpit, 9-10-11 Flight Controls, 12-13 Power Plant, 14-15-16 Induction System, 16>18 Carburetor, 19-20 Propeller, 21-23 Throttle Quadrant, 23-24 Power Settings, 25 Woter Injection, 26-27 Detonotion, 27 Long Range Cruising, 28-30 Fuel System, 31-35 Oil System, 36-37 Hydraulic System, 37-40 Electrical System, 41 Radio Equipment, 42-49 Lighting System, 50-51 K-14 Gunsight, 52-55 Armoment, 56-59 Armor Protection, 60 Oxygen System, 61-63 Automotic Pilot, 64-66 Personal Equipment, 67-68 Pilot's Preflight Check, 69-70 Cockpit Check, 71-73 Starting, 74-75 Taxiing, 76-77 Take-off, 77-81 Landing, 82-84 Flight Choractertstics, 85-87 Emergencies, 88-90 Acrobatics, 91-94 Dives, 94-95 Formation Flying, 96-98 Instrument Flying, 98 Night Flying, 99-100 Ground Gunnery, 101 Extreme Weather Operation, 102 Bailout ond Ditching, 103-106 P47N-15 & N25,
AAF manual 51-127-4. Contents The P47N, 5 Description, 6-7 Canopy, 8 Cockpit, 9-10-11 Flight Controls, 12-13 Power Plant, 14-15-16 Induction System, 16>18 Carburetor, 19-20 Propeller, 21-23 Throttle Quadrant, 23-24 Power Settings, 25 Woter Injection, 26-27 Detonotion, 27 Long Range Cruising, 28-30 Fuel System, 31-35 Oil System, 36-37 Hydraulic System, 37-40 Electrical System, 41 Radio Equipment, 42-49 Lighting System, 50-51 K-14 Gunsight, 52-55 Armoment, 56-59 Armor Protection, 60 Oxygen System, 61-63 Automotic Pilot, 64-66 Personal Equipment, 67-68 Pilot's Preflight Check, 69-70 Cockpit Check, 71-73 Starting, 74-75 Taxiing, 76-77 Take-off, 77-81 Landing, 82-84 Flight Choractertstics, 85-87 Emergencies, 88-90 Acrobatics, 91-94 Dives, 94-95 Formation Flying, 96-98 Instrument Flying, 98 Night Flying, 99-100 Ground Gunnery, 101 Extreme Weather Operation, 102 Bailout ond Ditching, 103-106 P47N-15 & N25,