Looks can be deceiving...
"Picky Izzy" is a charming children's story of a picky eater and the parents who just want her to eat something other than sweets. Initially, Izzy cleverly resists eating certain foods with great determination. But through some creative tactics by her parents, she discovers the joy in healthy eating. She starts to appreciate the energy it gives her and takes pleasure in creating her own nutritious meals-even desserts!
Ideal for:
- Parents and guardians of picky eatersPreschool and early elementary classroomsAnyone looking for an uplifting story with a meaningful message
Why Both Kids and Adults Will Adore "Picky Izzy Learns to Love Healthy Food"
- Izzy is a smart, enjoyable, and relatable main characterCaptivating illustrationsEngaging, rhyming narrativeEncouraging message about experimenting with new things and engaging in meal preparationSparks discussions on nutritious eating and openness to new experiences
Read "Picky Izzy Learns to Love Healthy Food" now and help your child explore a world of flavorful opportunities!