The story follows a young man named James Baker who is a self proclaimed tarot reader and a computer geek. Like many others, he has an apartment and a job that he doesn't really enjoy, however, it pays the bills.
All things considered, it's a pretty comfortable life, if not a bit dull. All of that changes when he is pulled into his Tarot deck by an unknown force. He wakes up in the Realm of Tarocchi, with no idea of how he arrived, much less how to get home.
Now James has to contend with a world where everyone dresses like they're straight out of a Charles Dickens novel, steam power is the order of the day, and the technology is nothing like he's experienced. To top it off, he's been thrust into the position of the Fool, or Key 0 in the Major Arcana.
Follow him as he navigates this new world with its share of joys and challenges, unlike anything he's experienced before.
Perchance to Steam: Deck I of the Card Walker Chronicles
The story follows a young man named James Baker who is a self proclaimed tarot reader and a computer geek. Like many others, he has an apartment and a job that he doesn't really enjoy, however, it pays the bills.
All things considered, it's a pretty comfortable life, if not a bit dull. All of that changes when he is pulled into his Tarot deck by an unknown force. He wakes up in the Realm of Tarocchi, with no idea of how he arrived, much less how to get home.
Now James has to contend with a world where everyone dresses like they're straight out of a Charles Dickens novel, steam power is the order of the day, and the technology is nothing like he's experienced. To top it off, he's been thrust into the position of the Fool, or Key 0 in the Major Arcana.
Follow him as he navigates this new world with its share of joys and challenges, unlike anything he's experienced before.