Paul's Gospel: Apostle to the Gentiles

Paul's Gospel: Apostle to the Gentiles

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Christianity is a theology of the Cross. The Cross is central to the doctrine of the Gospel. The Gospel is at the core of the teaching of the Bible. What Moses was to the law, Paul is to the New Testament gospel. In the Old Testament, Moses is the central figure in the giving of the law; notwithstanding, in the New Testament, Paul is the central figure in our understanding of the New Covenant Gospel. These two men are very, very important in our understanding of these two covenants. Moses, the Law; Paul, the Gospel. As Moses was revered by all believing Jews, so also, Paul is regarded as the foremost thinker in the New Testament concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ by Christians. It is very important that we do not underestimate the need to come into a full, complete, and accurate understanding of the Pauline revelation. Paul's gospel is the revelation of Jesus Christ after the Cross: as crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, ascended, and glorified. Paul was given a very unique perspective of our Lord [despite having never met Christ in the flesh). He preached a glorified Christ, and not the Christ in the flesh. It is through his revelation [his deep insights into Christ, and him crucified] that we find deeper meaning into the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without his contribution to the New Testament, our understanding of the life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord, would be limited and incomplete. Paul's gospel of our Lord exemplifies that Christ now rules and reigns as the Supreme God and Lord over all: the glorified God-man. Amen.

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