Two influential and powerful families compete and interact in the political and business world of Hawaii confronting the issues and current events impacting their island paradise. Governor Thomas Henderson leads the state government as his political opponent, Waikiki hotel tycoon Jarod Wong, challenges his words and actions during Henderson's first term in office. Their private lives and those of their family members and friends intertwine and tangle creating a drama mystery on the island of Oahu. The decriminalization and legalization of cannabis and prostitution and ending homelessness are vetted for readers to reflect on what is happening in the world today.
First-time novelist Will Espero is a retired state senator who served in the Hawaii legislature for 19 years. After his retirement 2018, Espero was an executive producer of an art film, HI on Art. He and his partners also created 28 episodes of HI on Art for television focusing on Hawaii artists.
Will Espero has also published Sunday Haiku, a collection of his haiku poetry.