A short story collection about the absurd and often hilarious adventures on Grateful Dead tour. Based on true stories of the thriving counterculture during the notorious U.S. federal "war on drugs" campaign, experience the magic of driving across the country to get to the next show. Follow the kids from one hotel room to the next, from Haight Street to Vermont, for a strong dose of the real American Dream: sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll!
A short story collection about the absurd and often hilarious adventures on Grateful Dead tour. Based on true stories of the thriving counterculture during the notorious U.S. federal "war on drugs" campaign, experience the magic of driving across the country to get to the next show. Follow the kids from one hotel room to the next, from Haight Street to Vermont, for a strong dose of the real American Dream: sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll!