In the vast expanse of the universe, beings exist beyond human comprehension. They lurk in the shadows of the cosmos, waiting for their moment to strike. Their intentions are unknown, their goals unfathomable, but their power is undeniable. The mere glimpse of their otherworldly forms can shatter a person's sanity, and their whispers can twist the fabric of reality. Faced with such horror, humanity is but an insignificant speck against the vastness of the cosmos, helpless against the unknowable terrors that lurk beyond the stars.
Even amongst the Outer Gods, one name generates terror.
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, enacts a desperate plan, eons in the making, that relies on a small group of humans chosen by fate to save reality.
In this collection are eighteen linked stories that follow a group of investigators who have glimpsed beyond the veil to perceive things humanity was never meant to. Will the mad god's puppets succeed, or is the end of everything inevitable?
This collection is a tribute to the works of H. P. Lovecraft, the father of modern horror and creator of the Cthulhu Mythos.