The New Testament - King James Version

The New Testament - King James Version

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Volume 4

A return to elegant simplicity - Foundation Bibles look like they're meant to be read, not referenced

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

-Albert Einstein

The Foundation Bible has been designed to reinvent how we interact with the Bible - natural paragraphs, large text, real paper, and free of verses and encyclopedic conventions you see in Bibles today. There are no alterations or additions to existing translations.

There is already a natural eloquence to the stories in the Bible - it's time to get out of the way.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

-Leonardo da Vinci

Verses, chapter headings, translation notes - virtually everything surrounding the text was not by the original Biblical authors. Foundation Bibles can help you encounter the text in a totally new light. By forgoing everything besides the narrative itself, you can read the Bible through like a novel. Catch the excitement of the great flood, Jerusalem's fall, the ten plagues of Egypt, and all the Biblical stories that have been cemented in the backdrop of history. By stripping away the encyclopedic additions of conventional scripture, you actually get a more accessible, culturally relevant Bible.

Foundation Bibles are not about reducing - they are about refining.

Elegance is always in style

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince)

You don't have to be a Christian to see the quality and value of these texts. The design reaches beyond book enthusiasts or even religion. Some of the most enthusiastic supporters of The Foundation Bible are not religious at all, but want to understand the stories that have shaped our world and want to become a better-rounded, more informed person.

Many people want to read the Bible, but it's too difficult, too unenjoyable. The problem isn't even the message - it is the presentation. There is plenty of drama, action - even romance - to engage the most casual reader. Most of the intimidation people feel about scriptures comes from the structure rather than the content. We want something that can everyone, Christian or not, would love.

People that support us aren't part of a market - they're part of a movement.

This softcover paperback is intended for reading on the move, to be given as gifts, or to have something easy to curl up on the couch with. This edition is printed on demand through CreateSpace, which is owned by Amazon. The obvious advantages are speed and cost, and the entire manufacturing process is directed through CreateSpace.

We know you will be happy when you receive you books - and we think you'll be happiest when you start reading it.

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