Norwegian-English Dictionary: A Pronouncing and Translating Dictionary of Modern Norwegian (Bokmal and Nynorsk) with a Historical and Grammatical In
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Most histories of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) have examined major leaders or well-established political and social groups to explore class, gender and ideological struggles. The war in Spain was marked by mometous conflicts between democracy and dictatorship, communism and fascism, narchism and athoritarianism, and catholicism and anticlericalism that still provoke our fascination.
Most histories of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) have examined major leaders or well-established political and social groups to explore class, gender and ideological struggles. The war in Spain was marked by mometous conflicts between democracy and dictatorship, communism and fascism, narchism and athoritarianism, and catholicism and anticlericalism that still provoke our fascination.