Night Drew Her Sable Cloak weaves together three distinct narratives, following three generations of heroines from the Midwest to the Far East, spanning the width and breadth of the entire 20th Century...
As the Spanish flu rages across North America and the Great War draws to a close over on the European continent, a young midwestern missionary stands at the edge of the Pacific Ocean, alone under heaven, and contemplates the impossible mission set before her...
A century later, a brand new mother fights for her life in an Argentine hospital, her body in full revolt against her very existence, her premature baby two floors below and a million miles away from her...
Between them both, stretched across time and space, a pair of peripatetic parents-to-be traverse the great cities of the world, seeking truth, meaning and a place to finally call home.
At once a meditation on the nature of being and a celebration of the incomprehensible unlikeliness of life itself, Night Drew Her Sable Cloak is a novel that brings together eastern and western philosophies to propose a whole new way to look at the world around us.