Dive into the thrilling world of espionage with "Need to Know," a gripping novel crafted by the talented Karen Cleveland. This mass market paperback brings you a riveting story filled with heart-stopping suspense and an intricately woven plot that will captivate you from start to finish.
The narrative follows Vivian Miller, a CIA analyst on the path of discovering secrets that could disrupt her life beyond imagination. Tasked with uncovering Russian sleeper cells within the United States, Vivian stumbles upon a piece of information that turns her world upside down, forcing her to make life-altering decisions.
Karen Cleveland, drawing on her background in national security and intelligence, skillfully blends authentic real-world scenarios with nerve-wracking tension. Her understanding of the intricacies of espionage shines through, providing an incredibly realistic and immersive experience for readers.
This fast-paced novel is perfect for fans of psychological thrillers and those interested in a deep dive into the shadowy world of espionage. Whether you're a dedicated follower of spy novels or new to the genre, "Need to Know" promises a page-turning experience that is hard to put down.