My Prayer-Book (Happiness in Goodness)

My Prayer-Book (Happiness in Goodness)

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Reprint of the 1908 Edition. If you're looking for your first prayer book (after, of course, your Bible and your missal), this is a perfect choice. Nearly one hundred meditative commentaries cover topics as ranging as how and why to do daily contemplative prayer, living a life in preparation for death, what sort of entertainment to avoid, sin and forgiveness, and a host of other topics integral to private life. The second section's intuitive organization of devotions, litanies, novenas, and celebrations will also steer the faithful toward the book's objective. And if all else fails, there's always a well-catalogued index.

From a reader: "When contemporary prayers many times seem to miss the mark on touching the heartfelt meaning of what you want to convey to your Heavenly Father, you can confidently turn to this prayer book and find what you seek. Lasance was a very devout priest. Having suffered with years of poor health, he had time as a chaplain for personal, spiritual contemplation and deep, genuine devotion to our Lord.

Part one of the prayer book includes several pages of his personal reflections on a variety of spiritual and sacred topics that are deeply insightful and gently coax your own spiritual contemplation and relationship with God.

Part two of the book includes a diverse selection of beautifully written traditional prayers such as: Morning Prayers, Evening Prayers, Prayers During the Day, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Devotions for Confession, Devotions for Communion, Benedictions for the Blessed Sacrament, The Stations of the Cross, Litanies, General Devotions and Miscellaneous Prayers.

One of my favorites is a prayer used to prepare for a good death called "Conformity to God's Will" - "Behold me, Lord; do with me what Thou wilt, May Thy will be ever done; I only desire what Thou wilt. I desire to suffer what Thou willest; I desire to die when Thou willest. Into Thy hands I commend my body, my soul, my life, and my death. I love Thee, O my God, whether it pleaseth Thee to send me consolations or afflictions, and I desire to love Thee always. Eternal Father, I unite my death to that of Jesus Christ, and I offer it to Thee in order to please Thee, Will of my God, Thou art my love. Good pleasure of my God, I devote myself entirely to Thee."

The book was written at a time when old English was still in use and prior to Vatican II so it will ring quite true to the values of a traditional Roman Catholic - something I value highly!"

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