"Polar Bears Past Bedtime" is a captivating children's book authored by the renowned Mary Pope Osborne, part of the beloved Magic Tree House series. In this enchanting adventure, Jack and Annie are whisked away to the icy Arctic, where they find themselves in a landscape teeming with mystery and magic. They embark on a quest that leads them through snow-covered expanses, encountering the majestic yet often misunderstood polar bear and unraveling secrets of the Northern Lights.
This thoughtfully crafted prebound edition ensures durability, making it perfect for young readers who are eager to hold a book in their hands as they follow Jack and Annie's thrilling escapades. The narrative is enriched with Osborne's engaging storytelling style, which combines seamlessly with Sal Murdocca's enchanting illustrations to bring the chill and wonder of the Arctic world to life.
Ideal for readers aged 6 to 9, "Polar Bears Past Bedtime" not only entertains but also educates, offering fascinating facts about Arctic life and polar bears at the end of the story. This journey is as exhilarating as it is enlightening, encouraging young minds to explore and learn about the natural world.