Morphological and Biochemical Characterization of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria

Morphological and Biochemical Characterization of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria

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This book has been designed with the objective that it will provide a practical guide to the students in the Characterization of the Bacteria in a simplified manner. The book had been broadly divided into four segments. The first Segment comprise of the basic techniques of microbiology like media preparation, Sterilization process, Aseptic transfer etc. The Second segment is the Morphological characterization of the bacteria like various staining techniques. The Third segment is the Biochemical characterization of the bacteria. The final segment is the added for the benefits of the pharmaceutical students for better understanding of Test for sterility, Assay of Antibiotics, etc. This book has designed and illustrated in a manner for the better understanding for the students and the research persons. This book would be useful for students of Medical sciences and Paramedical sciences of certificate and graduate levels such as B.Pharm, Certificate Nursing, Laboratory Technician, Health Assistant, B. Sc Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing (B N), B. Sc Medical Microbiology, Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technologist (BMLT), B. Sc Microbiology, Bachelor in Public Health (BPH), Bachelor in Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery (MBBS).

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