+ The Bible prophesied that Israel would be enslaved for 400 years, beat, raped, and murdered in a strange land, whose speech they don't know.
+ The Bible prophesied that in the last days the Israelites would remember who they were in the land of their captivity.
+ The Bible prophesied that there are people claiming to be Jews, but are not (imposters) and God considers it blasphemy.
+ The Bible prophesied that at some future date, the Gentiles will admit that they've inherited lies from their ancestors. 5 Questions For Your Consideration
- Why were the names of slaves changed before landing on the shores of the Americas, according to ship logs?
- Why were all of the references to slavery and the liberation of Irael removed from the Slave Bible?
- Why were people intentionally separated from family and friends during the slave trade?
- Why did Europeans change our identity multiple times (Negro, Black, African American, Berbers, etc.)?
- What if everything that we think we know about who we are is a lie?