The story begins in Venice, travels through Amsterdam, and ends in London. This is the birth and evolution of the modern imperial system. Here we look at its history, outlook, and philosophical roots. The connection between the system of empiricism and monetarism is discussed, and the role of its Venetian birthplace is examined. The creation of the Dutch Empire, and the financial speculation in Amsterdam is also discussed. The creation of the British Empire after 1688, and the oligarchical takeover of Britain by a financial oligarchy is detailed. Subjects such as the global slave trade, central banking, narcotics trafficking, and financial deregulation are all looked at. This modern form of oligarchical monetarist empire, together with its anti-human outlook and policies, is still very much with us today. This book is an essential primer in understanding the history of the last 500 years.
The story begins in Venice, travels through Amsterdam, and ends in London. This is the birth and evolution of the modern imperial system. Here we look at its history, outlook, and philosophical roots. The connection between the system of empiricism and monetarism is discussed, and the role of its Venetian birthplace is examined. The creation of the Dutch Empire, and the financial speculation in Amsterdam is also discussed. The creation of the British Empire after 1688, and the oligarchical takeover of Britain by a financial oligarchy is detailed. Subjects such as the global slave trade, central banking, narcotics trafficking, and financial deregulation are all looked at. This modern form of oligarchical monetarist empire, together with its anti-human outlook and policies, is still very much with us today. This book is an essential primer in understanding the history of the last 500 years.