Minister's Guidebook Insights from a Fellow Minister

Minister's Guidebook Insights from a Fellow Minister

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Minister's Guidebook is an incarnational work written out of the crucible of Dr. Mollette's life experiences. Its pages reverberate with the wisdom of a contemporary man of Issachar who understands the times and knows what ministers ought to do (1 Chron. 12:32). In this practical pedestrian work written to provide salient advice for ministers serving in the real world, Mollette throws out a lifeline. Grab it! Read it! Be saved from mistakes that can adversely impact your ministry for years to come and be saved to join the coffers of those carefully traversing the minefields of ministry with the invaluable wisdom of an elder.


Dr. Robert Smith, Jr.

Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity

Beeson Divinity School

Samford University

Table of Contents

Subjects discussed in this book

Your Ministry Age

Your Education

Your Study Time

Your Marriage

Your Family

Your Home and Church Parsonage

Save Money for Retirement

Your Health

Your Salary

Your Availability

Do Not Be the Hired Gun

Your Preaching/Teaching Style



Win Souls to Christ

Control Your Tongue

Mental Health Issues

Minister to All People

Your Media Ministry

Your Personal Life


Your Car

Your Appearance

Standing Alone

Do Your Best

Your Service Options

Make the Best of Your Life

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