Written between A.D. 2 and 8, Ovid's long poem the Metamorphoses gave to a great number of Greek and Roman myths the form in which they are known today. Now David Slavitt, translator of the widely acclaimed Ovid's Poetry of Exile, has fashioned a splendid new English verse translation of what is perhaps the best-known work of one of western civilization's major's poets. In Slavitt's freely inventive but emotionally accurate renderings, the voice of Ovid speaks again to a new generation of readers.

Written between A.D. 2 and 8, Ovid's long poem the Metamorphoses gave to a great number of Greek and Roman myths the form in which they are known today. Now David Slavitt, translator of the widely acclaimed Ovid's Poetry of Exile, has fashioned a splendid new English verse translation of what is perhaps the best-known work of one of western civilization's major's poets. In Slavitt's freely inventive but emotionally accurate renderings, the voice of Ovid speaks again to a new generation of readers.