Messianic Judaism Class, Student Book

Messianic Judaism Class, Student Book

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Is God tugging your heart to learn more about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the Jewishness of the Bible?

This is a class that will cover all the basics while also feeding and blessing your soul at the same time.

It is written by Rabbi Jim Appel who has been teaching this course in ongoing Tuesday night sessions for more than two decades.

There are many astounding revelations and "Aha!" moments for the students. Your attitude toward your Savior and His Word will never be the same after studying this course! After all, He was born and lived as a Jew and all His disciples and apostles were Jewish.


Introduction: What is Messianic Judaism?..........8

Unit One: The Messianic Vision....................13

Definition of the Vision ..........14

Definition of Individual Words ..........14

Definition of Prophetic Vision in General ..........15

Definition of the Messianic Vision ..........15

Five Points of the Messianic Vision

Point One: God is Faithful ..........15

Point Two: Our Value and Role ..........16

Point Three: Harmony and Continuity ..........16

Point Four: Salvation ..........17

Point Five: End Time Jewish Revival ..........18

Unit Two: Jewish Lifestyle and Traditions........21

Shabbat ..........22

Appointed Times - Moadim of the Lord

Chart ..........26

Passover ..........28

Unleavened Bread ..........29

FirstFruits ..........30

Feast of Weeks, Pentecost ..........30

Feast of Trumpets ..........31

Day of Atonement ..........32

Feast of Tabernacles ..........33

Simcha Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah) ..........36

Historical Holidays

Hanukkah ..........38

Purim ..........39

Modern Remembrance Days ..........40

Biblical Laws

Kashrut (Keeping Kosher) ..........41

Kosher for Passover ..........41

Food Laws In The New Covenant ..........42

Prayer Shawl-Tallit/Tallis;

Tassels-Tzit-Tzit ..........43

Bar/Bat/B'nei Mitzvah ..........44

Baby Dedication ..........44

Circumcision ..........45

Kippot/Yarmulkes ..........45

V'ahavtah, T'fillen, Mezuzot ..........46

T'vilah, Mikveh, Immersion ..........47

Immersion in the Tenakh ..........47

Immersion in the B'rit Hadashah ..........47

Yeshua and Immersion ..........48

The meaning of Immersion in Our Lives ..........94

S'udat Adonai (The Lord's Table or Communion) ..........51

Unit Three: Jewish Evangelism, One on One.........53

I. What Opens a Door?

II. How Can I Start a Conversation About Spiritual Things?

III. How Can I Present the Gospel?

IV. Tearing Down the Three Walls Blocking the Gospel

V. Typical Questions Jewish People Have

VI. The Biggest Typical Question

VII. Follow-up

Unit Four: A Messianic Congregation.............77

Congregational History: Where We Came From ..........78

Purpose Statement ..........81

Our Strategy: How We Fulfill Our Purpose.......... 83

Principles for Rending the Veil Over Jewish Hearts ..........84

Our Organization: For Fulfilling Our Purpose ..........85

Unit Five: Statement of Faith...................99

Congregational Shema Yisrael's Statement of faith ..........100

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