Messages from the Master: A Daily Devotional

Messages from the Master: A Daily Devotional

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This devotional is unlike any that you have ever read. In it, you are taking a journey with me (a fellow Believer) as you and I navigate the daily ups and downs of a Christian's life.

God never promised us that this life on earth would be easy. To be truthful, He said in John 16:33, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

He also never promised us that we would always receive the answer to our prayers immediately. To be exact, there are over 101 scriptures in the KJV Bible that tell us we should "wait" on the Lord.

Facing trials and waiting on God are both handled best when you have a friend. Through the words found in this daily devotional, you will find a companion for these times in your Christian life. You will find a fellow Believer who knows that life can be hard, but who also realizes that laughter and a deeper relationship with God make it so much easier.

God said that our Christian walk would be better when shared with a friend or brother. As a fellow Christian, you and I are sisters and brothers in Christ. Through that relationship, it is my desire that in this journey together that you will learn more about God, gain a deeper understanding of His Word, build a deeper and more intimately personal relationship with Him, and that you will realize that you never walk alone.

God saved us for a purpose. Sharing this journey with you is mine. Let's get started.

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