Mental Health and Faith (Salud Mental Y Fe)

Mental Health and Faith (Salud Mental Y Fe)

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It is an illusion to think that simply being Christians makes us immune to mental illness.

This is a crucial book that provides a biblical yet scientific analysis of the relationship between contemporary crises of depression, addiction and anxiety and God's call to Christian experience and ministry.

Mental Health and Faith provides a prevention and treatment plan for those Christians who understand that not all mental health challenges are spiritual in nature, though they undoubtedly affect the spirit of individuals and their environment.

We know that God created the principles and laws that govern our entire being, and science seeks to discover and understand them. God has also revealed many things about human nature in the Scriptures. Therefore, the science of mental health and Christianity should not be seen as antagonistic. The challenge we face today is not choosing between faith and science; rather, we need both.

In this book, we present guidelines for preserving and improving mental health, as well as a set of skills and competencies that are useful in counseling and ministering to Christians who experience mental health disorders. We also describe the boundary between a spiritual issue and a situation that requires psychological or psychiatric help, because treating a person with a mental illness as solely a spiritual or behavioral problem would be a mistake. We debunk prejudices, challenge misconceptions, and explain truths about the experiences of Christians with mental illnesses.

Es ilusorio pensar que el mero hecho de ser cristianos nos hace inmunes a las enfermedades mentales.

Este es un libro crucial que ofrece un anlisis bblico y a la vez cientfico de la relacin entre las crisis contemporneas de depresin, adiccin y ansiedad y la llamada de Dios a la experiencia y el ministerio cristianos.

Salud mental y fe ofrece un plan de prevencin y tratamiento para aquellos cristianos que comprenden que no todos los problemas de salud mental son de naturaleza espiritual, aunque sin duda afectan al espritu de las personas y a su entorno.

Sabemos que Dios cre los principios y leyes que rigen todo nuestro ser, y la ciencia trata de descubrirlos y comprenderlos. Dios tambin ha revelado muchas cosas sobre la naturaleza humana en las Escrituras. Por lo tanto, la ciencia de la salud mental y el cristianismo no deben considerarse antagnicos. El reto al que nos enfrentamos hoy no es elegir entre la fe y la ciencia; ms bien, necesitamos ambas.

En este libro, presentamos directrices para preservar y mejorar la salud mental, as como un conjunto de habilidades y competencias que son tiles para aconsejar y ministrar a los cristianos que experimentan trastornos de salud mental. Tambin describimos el lmite entre una cuestin espiritual y una situacin que requiere ayuda psicolgica o psiquitrica, porque tratar a una persona con una enfermedad mental como un problema nicamente espiritual o de comportamiento sera un error. Desmontamos prejuicios, cuestionamos ideas errneas y explicamos verdades sobre las experiencias de los cristianos con enfermedades mentales.

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