Memoirs in my Everyday Life: Army Days During The Cold War 1965 Through 1969

Memoirs in my Everyday Life: Army Days During The Cold War 1965 Through 1969

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This book is a story about myself during my 36 months serving in the United States Army. The story starts at my High School Graduation in June 1965. I have detailed why I wanted to join the Army after High School. My mother and I didn't get along with each other, and this is the main reason I wanted to leave home.

My story is non-political; it has a lot of humor and fun things I have done while serving in the Army. It took me through basic and advanced training before leaving to go to Germany on a troop ship across the Atlantic Ocean.

I had a wonderful time while crossing the Atlantic Ocean. One stop in England, then to Germany.

My first assignment was to the 1st/36th Infantry Company. In Friedburg, Germany, just a few miles from Frankfurt. I served in that unit until my twin brother Arrived in Germany a year later and was assigned to Headquarters in Frankfurt. At that time, I transferred to Division Headquarters, and for the remainder of my tour, my twin brother and I were together for the remainder of my tour in Germany.

I mention the many places I have gone while stationed overseas. I visited a pen pal I made in High School; she lived in England.

One time I even hiked up the German Alps. I took my full advantage to do and see the most I could and was allowed to do while serving my tour in Germany.

I've since vacationed in Europe eight times with my wife. I'm sure you will enjoy this book.

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