Our hope is that someday, an individual or entity with financial resources, perhaps even from within the government, will undertake the development of a medical computer as described in this book. This advanced medical computer would possess the capability to diagnose illnesses, identify optimal treatments, and halt the spread of viruses such as COVID-19. The most challenging aspect for us was the editing process, for which I sought assistance. Nevertheless, the journey of crafting this book has been immensely enjoyable.
Our hope is that someday, an individual or entity with financial resources, perhaps even from within the government, will undertake the development of a medical computer as described in this book. This advanced medical computer would possess the capability to diagnose illnesses, identify optimal treatments, and halt the spread of viruses such as COVID-19. The most challenging aspect for us was the editing process, for which I sought assistance. Nevertheless, the journey of crafting this book has been immensely enjoyable.
Our hope is that someday, an individual or entity with financial resources, perhaps even from within the government, will undertake the development of a medical computer as described in this book. This advanced medical computer would possess the capability to diagnose illnesses, identify optimal treatments, and halt the spread of viruses such as COVID-19. The most challenging aspect for us was the editing process, for which I sought assistance. Nevertheless, the journey of crafting this book has been immensely enjoyable.