This mono-graph by Stan Buetens finally solves the mys-tery of the use of orna-ments in Elizabethan times. The solu-tion is both simple and com-plex because one of the signs has two meanings and dif-ferent man-u-scripts employed differ-ent signs to rep-re-sent the same ornaments. This is all explained with simple language and can eas-ily be fol-lowed by all lutenists.
This mono-graph by Stan Buetens finally solves the mys-tery of the use of orna-ments in Elizabethan times. The solu-tion is both simple and com-plex because one of the signs has two meanings and dif-ferent man-u-scripts employed differ-ent signs to rep-re-sent the same ornaments. This is all explained with simple language and can eas-ily be fol-lowed by all lutenists.