Matan Torah and the Oral Law: A Gemara Student's Guide

Matan Torah and the Oral Law: A Gemara Student's Guide

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For thousands of years, the Jewish nation has dedicated itself to Torah study. This tradition began when Moshe Rabbeinu descended Har Sinai and began teaching Torah to God's Chosen Nation. Today's students of the Talmud carry on that illustrious tradition. But how much do we know about the process of Torah transmission through the generations?
  1. What exactly was given to the Jewish nation during Matan Torah on Har Sinai?
  2. How did Moshe teach Torah to the nation?
  3. When and how was the Torah written down?
  4. What are the different components of the Oral Law?
  5. Why are there so many disputes in the literature of Chazal?
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