Mastering Amazon Descriptions: An Author's Guide: Copywriting for Authors

Mastering Amazon Descriptions: An Author's Guide: Copywriting for Authors

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It's your deepest fear.

The book doesn't sell.

Could it be your description sucks?

Yes, it does suck, and this book is going to help. From the author of Mastering Amazon Ads: An Author's Guide, comes a new book on the art of copywriting for descriptions.

A typical description might convert one click in thirty into a new reader. After two years of research and hundreds of descriptions written, the data shows that properly written descriptions can get the job done in ten clicks.

Would you rather pay for 10 or 30 clicks to get a new reader?

With 40 descriptions across lots of genres, you'll find everything you need to understand and train yourself to write proper copy.

Powerful HooksEngaging CopyVisually Appealing Formatting

You'll adore this book, because it's going to make you love writing descriptions and copywriting.

Get it now.

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