Manix Abrera's 14

Manix Abrera's 14

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ABLAZE proudly presents "14", the second silent graphic novel created byFilipino comic artist, Manix Abrera.

This graphic novel is also hisfirst work to achieve a National Book Award (Category: Wordless GraphicLiterature) in 2015, awarded by the National Book Development Board and ManilaCritics Circle.

14 tells the story of a human who mysteriously discoversa 13th floor on his building and finds himself in the middle of a storytellingsession among different mythological creatures of Philippine folklore. Togetherwith a partying crowd of supernatural beings, he listens to stories narrated bycreatures such as the Manananggal, Diwata, Tikbalang, Kapre, Tiyanak, and evenby a White Lady and a Doppelganger.

With each creature taking the stage, describing wild stories spurred by their unique, terrifying traits andabilities, 14 is a grand narrative of weird yet wonderful tales, humorous albeitdark and spooky, surreal but unarguably true to the emotions of the heart.Stories like finding love then losing it, searching for happiness, getting lost, staying trapped, wanting to belong, dying to be born again - may all soundtoo human, but are also being experienced by these mythologicalcreatures.

Using absolutely no words in this graphic novel, Manixsuccessfully tells the stories through careful planning of each scene andsequence. Frame by frame, panel by panel, Manix effectively renders each scenein detail and maximizes the power of images to completely convey the stories andemotions he wants to evoke in his readers. It is now up to you, the reader, tonotice these details, to savor each frame, page by page until the big pictureand meaning unfold sans the usual text balloons. Soundsmind-blowing!

Reading without words is like talking without a voice, almost supernatural but not impossible. Let Manix Abrera's 14 talk to youvisually and take you into a truly exciting and totally unforgettable literaryexperience.

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