The Man Who Laughs, a hauntingly powerful novel by the legendary French author Victor Hugo, offers readers a profound exploration of humanity through the lens of a historical drama. This hardcover edition brings Hugo's vibrant prose to life, inviting readers to engage with his enduring themes of social injustice and the complexity of human emotions.
Set in late 17th-century England, the story follows the journey of Gwynplaine, a disfigured man whose terrifying grin has become a notorious symbol of derision and fear. Despite his outward appearance, Gwynplaine retains a kind soul and moral dignity, providing a stark contrast to the corrupt society around him.
Hugo’s intricate narrative weaves together romance, adventure, and philosophical inquiry, challenging readers to question the true nature of beauty and the power dynamics entrenched within society. This edition is a must-read for anyone passionate about classic literature and provides a fresh opportunity to revisit one of Hugo’s most impactful works.