Lucy and her friends team up for another round of adventures in this second installment of the Lucy and The Dog Bunch series. As the holidays approach, the dog friends enjoy the lovely traditions of their little town, and team up to help Santa on his big night. The sweet themes of friendship and kindness (and of course, dog treats) are once again woven together with charming and heartwarming illustrations for readers of all ages to cherish.
Lucy and the Dog Bunch is a series of stories created by third grader Beau Anderson and illustrated by high school student Maggie Callahan. Both reside in Newington, NH.
Beau and Maggie are both animal lovers, and a portion of proceeds from all the books in the series will be donated to the New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NHSPCA).
Learn more about this book and the rest of the series by visiting https: //