Love, Honor, and Asperger's: My Mixed-up Marriage to a Man With High-Functioning Autism

Love, Honor, and Asperger's: My Mixed-up Marriage to a Man With High-Functioning Autism

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April Anderson's remarkable memoir of her half-century marriage to a man eventually diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome captures the reader's attention from the compellingly perfect opening sentence to the last poi-gnant page. Particularly notable is Anderson's gift for storytelling and humor as she invites the reader into her inner world of thoughts, feelings, and ponderings. Hurt and bewildered by her husband's inexplicable behavior despite herculean efforts to understand and live in harmony with him, Anderson chronicles in intimate detail the profound toll that the marriage takes on her physical and emotional health. Even while fervently hoping for a change, she ultimately breaks loose from the bonds of trauma and regains her self-identity, true spirit, and peace.

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