And let us hear the mighty words they spoke to bring us change.
Audre Lorde lived a little Black life before she wrote to inspire
--"I am deliberate and afraid of nothing"--
to remind us of our inner power, and to share her poetic fire.
"So many who've lived these little black lives have mattered, so, you see,
But you needn't change the world, my child, to mean the world to me.
And let us hear the mighty words they spoke to bring us change.
Audre Lorde lived a little Black life before she wrote to inspire
--"I am deliberate and afraid of nothing"--
to remind us of our inner power, and to share her poetic fire.
"So many who've lived these little black lives have mattered, so, you see,
But you needn't change the world, my child, to mean the world to me.