A stimulating intersection of opportunity and trepidation: Art and Business!
A vibrant arts sector impacts local business, citizens, youth, artists, governments--in short, everyone! Integrating unique, authentic, creative assets that flow from the arts across multiple sectors support community prosperity. Through mutually-beneficial partnerships, local stakeholders build a web of community resilience, one that is deep-rooted.
This evidence-based book lifts the veil on subtle but highly influential impacts the arts bring to all communities. It recognizes not only that artists and their artistic creativity are the foundational germ that drives the arts ecosystem, but also their impact on subsequent arts sector and non-arts sector beneficiaries. Suggested strategies and tactics guide artists, arts administrators and all ecosystem stakeholders in their support for and intersection of arts sector development, business, and community-building. A focus on local arts sector development intertwines advocacy, public relations, and partnership initiatives, with many examples illustrated through case studies, research findings, and peer reviewed articles.