Letting Go: For The Soon To Be Empty Nester

Letting Go: For The Soon To Be Empty Nester

A book by Eevi Jones
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A Heartfelt Gift & Keepsake for Empty Nesters.

Letting Go is a sweet new take on Robert Munsch's book Love Your Forever and a heartfelt message for parents of children that are about to leave their nest, from USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Eevi Jones.

Often purchased with the bestselling counterpart Forever My Always, this beautifully illustrated and rhyming book depicts what Empty Nesters feel and go through as their grown children venture out into the world on their own for the very first time.

Whether our kids are off to college, a year abroad, or on their first solo overseas adventure, Letting Go is a beautiful reminder that whatever you gave was more than enough.

First days and last days, you had plenty of those.

Yet you didn't have nearly enough.

Holding her tightly, your heart swells with pride.

With fierceness you share your unending love.

Letting go may be hard.

Letting go may be tough.

Yet know that whatever you gave

was more than enough!

OTHER BOOKS IN THIS Life's Biggest Moments SERIES:

  • Forever My Always - For the Soon-to-Be World Explorer
  • Letting Go - For the Soon-to-Be Empty Nester
  • Sisterly - To My Best Friend

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