Lady Liberty's Treasure Hunt: For adults who are young at heart

Lady Liberty's Treasure Hunt: For adults who are young at heart

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Lady Liberty's Treasure Hunt: For adults who are young at heart, their families and friends. This book is a Northeast Treasure Hunt encompassing New England, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Families and friends study the book for clues and hints then go on remarkable and memorable journeys together to seek treasure. While doing this they learn a little more about US History, and create lasting memories with those they love in the outdoors. This title is more than just a book, it's a recreational activity like buying two tickets to a red Sox game!!!

There is a companion book for children under 18 called Riley's Treasure Chase. Let's get out there in the sunshine again & again. Between the two books, get your share of the more than 100,000 out there. Have safe, and amazing fun.

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