Nestled in a small southern town called Hopewell lives a young girl named Zoe and her dad. They grow sunflowers, attracting
birds in the valley who befriend one another and experience events that contain adventure, struggle, hardship, problem solving,
creativity, self-reliance, a positive attitude, faith, and hope.
Author and artist Robert Milton Fetzer, Jr. from Bogart, GA has woven a multi-level story of words and visual artistry to engage
you and your senses. Robert suggests that, as you read, that you and your listeners chew grape bubblegum and munch on sunflower seeds.
These interactions and the turning of the book to view this colorful expressive art allows the book to come alive instead of having the
usual sedentary experience of reading.
In the surprise ending, Kudzu metaphorically transforms the land and community. Come and join us on the entertaining journey down Kudzu Road.