In "The King," a young warrior embarks on a cerebral odyssey fueled by revenge. Traversing a realm scarred by the tyrannical rule of its final monarch, he navigates a twisted world where reality blurs with nightmares. Amidst this chaos, Tomo grapples with external adversaries and internal demons, honing his survival instincts in a treacherous landscape where wit and will are paramount. As he delves deeper into the heart of darkness, Tomo's quest evolves into a gripping journey of self-discovery and redemption. Against the meticulously crafted backdrop of a surreal world, "The King" pushes the boundaries of gritty fantasy to new heights.

...Around them, an eerie hush reigned, broken only by the ceaseless downpour, a relentless drumming that showed no mercy, baptizing both earth and flesh. Tomo's gaze lingered on the lifeless girl, her form almost devoured by the voracious mire. A pang of guilt surged through him, and in that forsaken moment, he forged an oath-a pact with himself, a solemn vow born of the very core of his being. He proclaimed out loud to any of the forces that were listening and would guide him to its fulfillment, "I'm going to kill the King."

His words hung in the air like a brewing tempest, heralding the reckoning that awaited and echoed through the Old Man's head. He was stricken with a sense of truth he hadn't felt in a long time. The Old Man had been to hell and back on several occasions and knew what the truest truth sounded and felt like. He knew he just heard scripture. The Old Man spoke back, voice hoarse and weathered, "So you are..."

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