King Candaules is a captivating novel that delves into the intriguing realm of legend and myth. This gripping narrative brings to life the story of Candaules, the King of Lydia, whose desire to share the sight of his beautiful queen sets off a chain of events with unpredictable outcomes. The tale is intricately woven, exploring themes of pride, voyeurism, and the complexities of human relationships through a blend of historical context and creative storytelling.
Perfect for lovers of historical fiction, this paperback edition offers readers an engaging experience through its vivid descriptions and compelling character development. The story is set in ancient Greece and provides readers with a window into a world long past, yet it resonates with timeless themes that echo through to modern times. This book is a must-read for anyone fascinated by classical history or mythology.
Experience a journey through time with King Candaules and uncover the moral dilemmas faced by characters both larger than life and strikingly relatable.