Kendra's New Shoes: A Recycling Adventure With A Giving Heart

Kendra's New Shoes: A Recycling Adventure With A Giving Heart

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Kendra's New Shoes" is a heartwarming children's story about kindness and giving back to the community. When Kendra receives a new pair of shoes, she and her best friend, Kate, walk down the street and encounter a young girl wearing worn, tattered shoes. Moved by this encounter, Kendra and Kate return home to get Kendra's old shoes and gift them to the little girl. Through this simple yet powerful act of generosity, the story encourages children to think of others and consider how they can make a difference. The book also includes a helpful section on donating clothes, toys, and more and a fact-filled glossary for older readers. It's a wonderful way to inspire compassion in children and teach them the importance of giving back.

This book includes:

  • Suggestions for speaking to children about donating toys and clothing:
  • Locations accepting donations.
  • Companies that pay shipping to receive old toys to recycle.
  • Explanation of reasons to donate or recycle for older children 5 +.

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