""Jude the Obscure"" is a novel written by the renowned English author Thomas Hardy. First published in 1895, it explores themes of love, social class, education, and the challenges faced by individuals striving to overcome societal limitations. The story revolves around the protagonist, Jude Fawley, a working-class man with dreams of pursuing an education at the esteemed university of Christminster. However, Jude's ambitions are hindered by the constraints of his social status and the disapproval of society. The novel follows Jude's relentless pursuit of knowledge and love as he navigates relationships, societal expectations, and personal sacrifices. Hardy's poignant prose vividly portrays the struggles and aspirations of his characters, delving into themes of social inequality, marriage, religion, and the limitations imposed by society. ""Jude the Obscure"" is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged novel that challenges societal norms and explores the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity.
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