This vibrant and engaging story follows two young sisters and their aunt as they embark on a boat tour through the Caroni Swamp, encountering a captivating array of wildlife. From the awe-inspiring sight of thousands of scarlet ibis roosting in the trees to being too close for comfort to a tree boa snake, the Caroni Swamp is full of surprises.
Ayanna and Adanna: A Journey Through The Caroni Swamp:
- Introduces children to the fascinating ecosystem of the Caroni Swamp and its diverse inhabitants.Features beautiful illustrations that bring the vibrant flora and fauna of the swamp to life.Promotes a love for nature and encourages exploration of the world around us.Is perfect for families looking for a fun and educational read-aloud experience.
Get ready for an unforgettable adventure! Ayanna and Adanna: A Journey Through The Caroni Swamp is a story that will spark your imagination and inspire a love for nature.