Edited and co-authored by the Clergy, the Episcopate, and many of the smart-alecks of the Continuing-Anglican Tradition, the Jeremiad Christian Homesteaders Gazette offers readers an "off-grid" view of the Way before us This is a journal written in the "upper room" of every lodging, which you can read on your front porch as the traffic roars by, knowing that the Father, who expresses some of His greatness in the stars above really does have a hand in the works that are wrought before the hopeful eyes of the Faithful. You never know what you are going to read inside the Jeremiad, but the subjects have very little that owe themselves to the electronics, the fake science and fake news, and the scurrilous flim-flam jibber-jabber of today's mountebank world. Everything from scholarly articles to ghost stories fill these covers. This is a quarterly publication that is intended to comfort the hearts of all believers, as well as those whom we feel ought to become true believers! Why not see what we're writing and may the Son bless you and yours! - Fr. Mike DellaVecchia, Saint Patrick's Anglican Church of Traditional Anglican Church of America

Edited and co-authored by the Clergy, the Episcopate, and many of the smart-alecks of the Continuing-Anglican Tradition, the Jeremiad Christian Homesteaders Gazette offers readers an "off-grid" view of the Way before us This is a journal written in the "upper room" of every lodging, which you can read on your front porch as the traffic roars by, knowing that the Father, who expresses some of His greatness in the stars above really does have a hand in the works that are wrought before the hopeful eyes of the Faithful. You never know what you are going to read inside the Jeremiad, but the subjects have very little that owe themselves to the electronics, the fake science and fake news, and the scurrilous flim-flam jibber-jabber of today's mountebank world. Everything from scholarly articles to ghost stories fill these covers. This is a quarterly publication that is intended to comfort the hearts of all believers, as well as those whom we feel ought to become true believers! Why not see what we're writing and may the Son bless you and yours! - Fr. Mike DellaVecchia, Saint Patrick's Anglican Church of Traditional Anglican Church of America