Introduction to Tantra Shastra by John Woodroffe. Originally the extented introduction to a translation of the Mahanirvana Tantra by "Arthur Avalon" (a collective pseudonym for Woodroffe and an unnamed collaborator), this is a sufficiently general treatment to repay reading apart from the work to which it was originally attached. While there are a few caveats, Woodroffe was the first Western writer to treat seriously and sympathetically of the Sakta Tantrik cults and their scriptures.
Introduction to Tantra Shastra by John Woodroffe. Originally the extented introduction to a translation of the Mahanirvana Tantra by "Arthur Avalon" (a collective pseudonym for Woodroffe and an unnamed collaborator), this is a sufficiently general treatment to repay reading apart from the work to which it was originally attached. While there are a few caveats, Woodroffe was the first Western writer to treat seriously and sympathetically of the Sakta Tantrik cults and their scriptures.